Relationship Therapy


Relationships define our lives

When we feel loved and supported in our relationships, everything in our lives is easier. We feel safer, more connected and more able to enjoy ourselves. We find ourselves more open to others and caring towards those around us. Something so vital to our existence is really worth taking time to explore. A new relationship can feel like the most effortless, glorious thing in the world. Then as time passes, perspectives can shift. The hopes and ideals we have placed upon our partner (or friend) can look a bit less shiny. New tensions arise and we can begin to rub up against trickier parts of ourselves, and those of our partners. For some, it can feel impossible to form those connections in the first place.

What is Relationship Therapy?

Relationship therapy looks at the dynamics and challenges within relationships. It’s a place to explore your emotions, and those of your partner, and to learn to see each other more clearly and compassionately, moving away from defensiveness and resentment. All types of relationships are welcome, including platonic or familial ones. I take a non-normative, open approach to all relationship forms, gender identities and sexualities. You might want to come to sessions on your own to explore the way you relate to others, or attend with your partner or partners.

Common issues addressed in Relationship Therapy:

  • Communication difficulties
  • Resolving conflict
  • Infidelity and trust issues
  • Balancing a need for freedom and excitement with safety and stability
  • Sex and intimacy issues
  • Difficulty forming intimate relationships